Salar jung Museum — home of fantastico antiques

3 min readFeb 21, 2016


India has had a past which was dominated by Persian and Arab rulers until the British came in. Most modern-day cities you see today like Delhi, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad were some of the most important cities during the Mughal era. While Mughals were flourishing and expanding there was the rise of Nizams in the Deccan. First Nizam ruled on behalf of Mughals till Aurangzeb died post which the Nizams formed an independent kingdom. When the British invaded India, they allowed the Nizams to rule Hyderabad as client kings. However by the time the Britishers left, Hyderabad had become a princely state in fact the richest state. Under the Nizams, Hyderabad’s cultural and economic conditions improved manifold. Nizams were the richest kings and their wealth could be judged from the Jewels they had — which is the largest and richest collection of jewels in India. Apart from Jewels, Nizams were interested in antiques and had bought a fair bit of it at their time. And you can see all of their collections in the fantastico Salar Jung Museum.

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Fantastico Salar Jung Museum in Hyderabad

Fantastico Salar Jung Museum in Hyderabad[/caption]

Salar Jung Museum is located in the heart of Hyderabad as off the banks of the Musi River. The museum houses one of the fantastico antique collections and in fact it is the largest one-man collections of antiques in the world. The Salar Jung Museum is flocked by tourists all around the year and if you are in Hyderabad, you don’t want to be missing on it. It’s a fantastico place for history buffs who love to navigate in India’s past. Take my suggestion, spend at least half a day (5–6 hours) at the museum, because its way too huge to be covered in few hours.

Here are things you must see while you visit the fantastico Salar Jung Museum.

  • The museum is home to a rare clock which is housed on the ground floor of the building. This is the main attraction of the museum and tourists are here just to see it. The specialty of this clock is that it has 2 characters coming out of the hole and hitting based on the time of the day along with the chimes. Thus you want to see it at 12 pm and hence plan your visit accordingly.

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Weapons at Salar Jung Museum.

Weapons at Salar Jung Museum.[/caption]

  • Apart from the clock the museum boasts of some fantastico collection of weapons. From small daggers to swords and war suits, everything is simply amazing.The collection is exquisite and requires you to see each and every bit of it.

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Qutub Minar Ivory Carving at Salar jung Museum.

Qutub Minar Ivory Carving at Salar jung Museum.[/caption]

  • Another section of the museum is dedicated to carvings on Ivory. This hall has carved elephant tusks and boy this is amazing. The intricate carvings include The Qutub Minar, animals and birds, gods and goddesses. The carvings are fantastico and depicts the great craftsmanship.
  • Other highlights of the fantastico museum includes Aurangzeb’s sword, Jehangir and Shah Jehan’s daggers and tiffin box made of gold and studded with diamonds.

The next time you are in this city of Nizams, the fantastico Salar Jung Museum must be on your bucket list. Apart from having Biryanis and visiting the Charminar, you must visit the Salar Jung Museum.

This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.

